Monday, March 23, 2020

Store AND Warehouse CLOSED!

With Governor Pritzker issuing his "shelter in place" order for Illinois - both our store and the warehouse are closed - minimally - through Tuesday, April 7th (the Governor might extend his order). To be super clear - the store will not be open this week or next, our customers can not pickup anything they've purchased and our donors can't drop off anything either. We're also not offering donation pickups until the "shelter in place" order has been lifted.

Of course, Jubilee Furniture will be compliant with this order - but the reality is our closing is going to be financially hard for Outreach Community Ministries. There are hundreds of families, couples and individuals who rely on the services offered through Outreach. Those who are most vulnerable always feel the impact of reduced funds for the critically important services they count on more than others.  It's that simple.

I mentioned last week our annual banquet for our center in Carol Stream has been cancelled. Our resource development office created a "virtual" banquet showcasing some of our services along with a powerful message from Pastor Paco Amador from New Life community Church Little Village in Chicago. It's well worth the time to watch (in my opinion) and if you were in a position to financially help - that would be amazing!

Bottom line - we hope you're doing okay, dear reader, and we're grateful for you!