Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Happy May 1st!

I asked my husband if he was going to leave a May basket at the door of the wonderful gentleman who has the office next to his - and he laughed and said, "No, but I'll ask him if he wants to dance around the May pole!" and that pretty much tells you how ancient we are! Haha! 

I ended up working from home yesterday and was planning on heading into the store to take photos for the blog and was so busy I simply couldn't get away! Speaking of old - my work computer is an older model that you can't uploads photos to (I normally take photos and then upload on my home computer) so I snapped some shots this morning of the most incredible piece I've seen in a while and then had to email them to myself, save them to my computer and then upload to the blog. If you think that sounds like a lot of steps and rather tedious - you'd be correct. Thus why so few photos this week. I'm sorry! 

Cross my heart there's a TON of inventory at both our stores! But let's gaze on this stunning piece and hopefully it'll be compelling enough to make you stop in and see all the rest! 

This is a modular, library wall system from Stanley - gorgeous walnut (donor believes it's walnut and not teak as we originally thought) wood. Can be configured in so many different ways! The main components looks like this one that's selling for $2,495 but the support brackets are wood not chrome - so a bit more like this one (that's selling for $2,810) but ours doesn't have as many parts. There is an extra shelf that's off to the side (FYI). Priced $995. Finished on the back so could easily - and beautifully - be used as a room divider. Measures: 18" deep by 69" across and stands 73" tall. There are some marks on the teak (see photo) but overall in really good condition! 

We aren't offering delivery and will not dissemble it for you. This is one you have to either handle completely on your own OR hire professional movers to transport. 

Again, I promise I'll have lots of photos next week, dear reader! Now I'm off to find a May pole! Tralalala!