Wednesday, September 18, 2024

What is the universe trying to tell me?

There is steam coming out of my ears and I'm so mad I could spit nails. Ugh. Double ugh. Triple ugh. 

I HAD a wonderful post for you this morning. Lots of photos and I started the post by saying "I'm determined to get this post done early today!" and then my fat fingers clicked on some keys I did not mean to and everything disappeared. Truly it's gone and - though I searched and searched - and clicked "undo" one million times (to no avail) everything is lost. 

My computer at work is old and so I upload my photos on my home computer - so there's nothing I can do. 

All I can say is there are some really amazing things in the store and if you had the time and could stop in and check things out - that would be lovely! 

Oh and I used the word "delightful" to describe a three tier metal cart (Connie wrote "charming" on the price tag and that works well too) - so make sure you check out the delightfully, charming three tier cart for $195! 

I'm so sorry, dear reader. This is not my favorite day so far - I must admit.