Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Today's inspiration is courtesy of the Tip Junkie!

Inspiration comes in many forms.  Today's post is from the Tip Junkie site and features 16 second hand furniture make-overs (before and after) and one - or all - is sure to get you thinking about how you can transform something blah from Jubilee Furniture into something fabulous!

REMINDER our store hours for the next few weeks are as follows: 

12/16 Friday 1 to 8
12/17 Saturday 9 to 4
12/23 Friday 1 to 8
12/24 Saturday - CLOSED
Merry Christmas!
12/30 Friday 1 to 8
12/31 Saturday 9 to 4 (come ring in the New Year early with us!)

So plan now on coming out to the store real soon, dear reader! 

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Tuesday's customer inspiration - Kari's gorgeous chair links!

It's Tuesday which means it's time for my customer inspiration post where I show you something someone has purchased from the store and how amazing it looks in their home - either exactly as it looked leaving our store or how it's been made even better!

This week there's a bit of a twist.  I received an email from Kari with a couple of links to some very inspiring photos of gorgeous chairs that look an awful lot like some we have in the store.  Here's Kari's email:

Hi Susan, 

I have been to Jubilee a couple of times and LOVE it! 

I saw those black dining chairs you have for $70/ea that came in a few weeks ago... there were still 4 there last time so I thought I'd send you a couple of amazing links I found to them online. Not quite the same as a reader makeover -but inspiring nonetheless!

(note we only have two of these chairs left for purchase)

Sweet and shabby white
(photo from Shanna Michelle Photography of Ashley Russell's beautiful Thanksgiving table)

 Gorgeous painted shiny red
(photo taken from Kiki's List by krista salmon of kitchen designed by Windsor Smith)

How amazing are both these photos?  VERY. AMAZING.

Thanks so much to Kari for sending the links my way!

Have you purchased something from Jubilee Furniture that you'd be willing to take a photo or two of and share with me at sgalbraith@outreachcommin.org?  I'd be grateful and you just might help inspire others to see used furniture in new and fresh way!

See you later in the week with my weekly furniture update post, dear reader!