Wednesday, August 28, 2024

I need a new way of doing the blog!

Ever since we added Wednesday hours to the store I've struggled with taking photos for the blog. Connie and her amazing team do pricing and setup Wednesday morning prior to our 1 pm opening. I need several hours to take photos, upload and write this weekly post - which means I have to take photos on Tuesday when there's hardly anything "new" priced and arranged. So I'm taking photos of - what often feels like - the same furniture I took photos of the week before! I usually can find a number of pieces that were brought out that hadn't been priced and "photo ready" the previous week BUT some of the coolest pieces aren't priced and are still on dollies waiting to be arranged. 

Combined with a - sometimes - overwhelming volume of incoming calls, texts, and emails about possible donations and I'm feeling squeezed for time ON TOP OF feeling a bit stale and uninspired. The truth is I've been doing this weekly post for OVER FIFTEEN YEARS (yep, started in June of 2009) and simply put - I'm tired. 

Don't get me wrong - I'm still madly in love with furniture (actually have loved design and furniture since I was little) - and still love our mission of reselling quality used furniture to help support the programs and services at Outreach (we're a faith-based, social service agency assisting those most vulnerable in DuPage County). It has always felt - and still feels - like a win for our donors (they donated good used furniture instead of throwing it out), a win for our customers (you can buy good used furniture at drastically less than the retail value) and a win for our community (individuals and families are provided with the services they need while paying a fraction of what those services would normally cost). 

Every time I even hint to Connie I'm thinking the blog has run its course and we should shut it down - she exclaims how important it is to casting a wider customer net and bringing people in (which was the point when I started it). BUT! But, might there be an even better way of doing that? Could we establish an Instagram account and I could snap photos and upload on Wednesday mornings so you're seeing some of the "hot off the press" pieces? 

So, that's what I'm thinking about and we'll see where this goes - but, for now, I can attest to the fact the store is bursting at the seams with some really amazing pieces and you should absolutely stop in and check things out! Cross my heart! 

AND I can also share we're having a major décor sale AT BOTH STORES - Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday! 

I hope you're staying well, dear reader! If you have some creative ideas for me or feel strongly that the blog is still important enough for me to shut up and push through - then I'd love to hear from you! My email address is As always - I'm grateful for each and every one of you for stopping by!

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Hey there! Thank you for stopping by!

I never seem to have enough time these days - so need to be short and sweet! Here are a FEW photos of some pieces that caught my eye at our Carol Stream location!

first let's take a moment to appreciate this incredible ramp that one of our amazing volunteers
(Dick! We love you! You're fabulous! Truly top drawer!) built to make 
access to our outdoor furniture easier/safer/better!

this outdoor set is made with all weather wicker and then I THINK a treated metal frame. Overall, in good condition. Chair and ottoman are priced $135; single chair for $85 and the sofa is $175

this is a very cool recliner that's in really good condition and priced $395. No pegs this time - 
instead a bar along the back that adjusts so the chair reclines

Lazboy brand four piece sectional - one piece is a pullout bed and one a chaise (the sleeper part is next to the chaise part) - overall in excellent condition and priced $725

I LOVE this boxy brown faux suede loveseat - in excellent condition and priced $225

another Lazboy sofa - this time in a lovely greenish color - excellent condition and priced $375

this is a STUNNING wicker set by Henry Link! Everything is really in excellent condition! 
We have a coffee table with protective glass top for $75; two matching side 
chairs are each $75 and the sofa is $155. Gorgeous!

if I were to ask you, "Who needs some pink glassware?" my guess is everyone would say, "Yes, please!" If I were to ask you, "Who needs some pink glassware that's 50% OFF the already low Jubilee Furniture price?" my guess is everyone would say, "ABSOLUTELY! Gimme, gimme!" 
Well, here you go and you're welcome! 

this is a very cool - and rather unusual - piece. It's a French Napoleon III dry bar! 
You might have already guessed that! Haha! Priced $175. It would be a 
special and unique gift for anyone who'd love a piece of history! 

speaking of unique - this very narrow (only 12" across) six drawer chest is so sweet! It's 17" deep and stands 46" high! My mom would have loved something like this for all of her sewing notions! It's been painted but that one photo (second down) is the inside of one of the drawers - very tight wood grain - and I'm wondering if this would be a gorgeous piece stripped and stained? Priced $95

FABULOUS R Way, mid-century modern, six drawer chest with such fantastic hardware! LOVE! 
Top has some discoloration but overall in fine condition and priced $245

really pretty, marble top, French bombe chest - some damaged veneer and some scratches in the marble but still such a wonderful piece! Priced $155

beautiful TEN drawer chest in very good condition (second photo is trying to show 
some wear on some of the edges) - priced $145

I hope all is well with you, dear reader! Take care!