Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Jubilee Furniture with be open regular store hours this Easter weekend!

Hey all! Hope you're doing well! I have lots to share today so let's get right to it! 

But first, our 50% off décor, dishes and kitchenware sale has been extended another week AND decorative throw pillows are now part of that sale! There are some exclusions.

What follows are photos of some of our current inventory. As always - there's LOTS more and I hope you have time to head into the store to take a look yourself!

I don't know who needs this bar and three stools - but someone does because it's absolutely AMAZING! Lots of storage and a wonderful place to gather! 16" deep by 47" long and stands 42" tall. 
In EXCELLENT condition and priced $325

then here are two ADJUSTABLE bar stools. When at lowest - 21" from floor to seat and when at highest - 30 1/2" from floor to seat (and can be adjusted anywhere in-between these two heights). 
Also in excellent condition and priced $135 each

this is the coolest long (75") and narrow (8 1/2") bench that stands 19" tall that will add warmth (love the wood tones!) and be practical wherever you put it! Priced $145

I'm not sure whether to call this Kroehler piece a sofa or a bed! The seat cushions are super deep (37" to be exact) and down filled and you literally sink into it and never want to get up (or in my case - I COULDN'T get up - but that's a story for another day! Haha!). Separates into two pieces and the rest of the measurements are - 89" across and 45" deep. In very good condition and priced $295. 
For the record a twin size mattress is 75" long and 38" wide

Hancock & Moore leather (kinda looks like suede but it's leather) recliner in 
excellent condition and priced $355

here's another leather recliner - this time a lovely red color and it swivels! There's a scuff mark on the front lower arm part (second photo) but otherwise in very good condition and priced $185

same red leather - different style but also a swivel recliner! This one was definitely more used 
than the other but still in good condition and priced $135

Paul Robert sofa in very good condition and priced $125. "Peeking" over the back is 
another sofa that I'll share next...

gorgeous Thomasville light green houndstooth fabric sofa in excellent condition and priced $375

another gorgeous sofa - this time from Henredon - also in excellent condition and priced $575

IKEA black metal full size bed in very good condition and priced $95

NE Kids loft bed with a desk and storage stairs! Looks to be in very good condition and priced $595. Twin size box spring is $40. We need 24 hours to disassemble this bed - FYI

FABULOUS Drexel dresser with mirror that's truly in pristine condition and priced $350

STUNNING antique, walnut, library table that's gorgeous and beautiful and so unique and I'm madly in love! Measures: 37" by 107 1/2" and stands 31" tall. So much character in this piece! Priced $1,200

previous library table simply too big? Here's the "junior" size! Haha! Measures: 37" by 71" and stands 32" tall (that's an inch taller than the first one - I measured them both twice but maybe it's our floor?). There's a drawer on one side and this table top is definitely more "loved" than the other one but 
still - so, so good! Priced $800

and then look at this antique writing desk! Talk about character! It's reeking with it! Haha! 
Measures: 25" by 51" and stands 40" tall (at tallest part). Priced $495

all of our volunteers are absolutely amazing - that goes without saying - but I need to specifically call out Dick on this one! I was at the store several weeks ago and Dick was back in a workshop area sanding down this butcher block table. It was a mess! Stains and paint littered the top. BUT it was a solid wood piece and Dick knew all it needed was a little TLC and boy was he correct! This is such a gorgeous table! Measures: 36" by 48" and has a simple pedestal base and is priced $225. 
The four chairs grouped around it go very well (nice job, design team!) and are 
priced $60 for all four (love the rush seating!)

The store WILL BE OPEN normal hours (Wednesday 1 to 8 pm, Thursday and Friday 10 am to 8 pm and Saturday 9 am to 4 pm) this Easter weekend! Hop on over and check things out, dear reader! (Easter - hop - pretty good huh?! ;-)