Wednesday, July 20, 2022


With the exciting opening of our Lombard store - you might be wondering if I'll be sharing photos from there on the blog - and for now the answer is "No." 

Truthfully, there's so much about Jubilee Furniture - Lombard we're still working out - and since I have limited time/capacity - for now I'll only be sharing photos from Jubilee Furniture - Carol Stream (that's how we're referring to the two stores when we're not using JF1 and JF2 :-).

I've added a link that'll take you to Outreach's website page for Jubilee Furniture - Lombard on the sidebar and that's where updated will be provided (when we have updates to share). But here's a quick recap of the two stores for you:

Jubilee Furniture - Carol Stream
730 E. North Ave.
Connie Kluckman - Store Manager
Garrett Hilliard - Warehouse Manager
Store hours:
Wednesday from 1 to 8 pm
Thursday and Friday from 10 am to 8 pm
Saturday from 9 am to 4 pm
100% of proceeds are helping to support the programs and services at Outreach

Jubilee Furniture - Lombard
240 E. Roosevelt Rd.
Kandy Craig - Store Manager
Bob DeMilio - Warehouse Manager
Store hours:
Wednesday from 1 to 8 pm
Thursday and Friday from 10 am to  8 pm
Saturday from 9 am to 5 pm 
(that's not a typo - Lombard is open one hour later than Carol Stream on Saturday)
This store is a joint venture with Timothy Christian and 50% of proceeds are going to Timothy Christian and 50% are helping Outreach's York Center 

Now getting to the good stuff! Haha! What follows are just a few photos from the Carol Stream store that caught my eye but I promise you - there's so much more! 

Cheers brand, leather, electric, theater chairs/recliners! Cup holders and storage between the chairs make for the PERFECT movie house experience (minus the high cost of tickets - though I haven't gone to a movie in three years so I'm not even sure how much a movie ticket is!). I want to say in excellent condition but I didn't test the recliners - so make sure you plug 'em in and check everything out - but what I could see was in excellent condition! Priced $925

leather and fabric sofa and matching loveseat! Seat cushions flip over so you can have a leather look OR a fabric look - you decide! Some wear in the leather but that good kind of wear that seems to improve the leather! Sofa is $325 and loveseat is $275

smaller silhouette wingback chair - in very good condition and priced $85

I am madly in love with this 30" round pedestal table! LOOK AT THE TWIRLY PEDESTAL! So, so pretty! Though I don't believe the chairs were purchased with the table - they were donated together so we're selling them as a set (table and two chairs) for $95

I just showed you a smaller wingback chair and now I'm sharing an oversized modified wingback/recliner! In very good condition and priced $65

beautiful retro nine drawer dresser WITH mirror (it's tucked behind the dresser) from Style House Exclusive. There's a blemish on the top (last photo) but otherwise this is a fabulous piece! Priced $425

really pretty floral sofa that at first glance looked to be in excellent condition but then I saw a number of small holes in the fabric on the edge of seat cushions (second to last photo). Priced $155

ultra-suede SWIVEL chair in good condition and priced $55

I hope you're staying cool and hydrated, dear reader!  Before you know it - we'll be complaining about the cold Haha! Take care!