Wednesday, August 31, 2022

I'm off this week but - boy oh boy - there should be some amazing furniture in the store!

Hi, dear reader! Though I am off this week - we've scheduled some super incredible donations to be picked up and so there should be some extra special things in the store that you should definitely check out! And that goes for both our Carol Stream AND Lombard store! 

Speaking of Lombard - a few weeks ago I introduced you to Kandy Craig - our Lombard Store Manager. When I asked Kandy if I could snap a photo of her - this is how she immediately posed. 

I took several photos and included a more typical headshot with my post but I love how this photo captures her wonderful sense of humor and the fact she approaches life with a smile. So, not surprisingly she brings that great attitude to the Lombard store and if you haven't stopped in and met her - you totally should! 

 I'll see you NEXT week with my typical photo heavy post! Take care!